Have you ever woken up at night, believing that you want to create that perfect website that is also fully functional, you’re not alone!. Building a world of websites might seem like a maze. But do not be alarmed, we will be your digital architects. Selecting the correct Content Management System (CMS) is a process that is not easy because it is a work with cryptic prophecies filled with technical vocabulary.

Consider a content management system as your link between your creative concept and the live website. With the help of this intuitive platform, you can produce, modify, and share information without knowing how to write complicated code. Envision creating appealing content, adding eye-catching images, and organizing everything easily—all from a user-friendly interface.

Amidst all the confusion, in this blog, we will cover the many types of content management systems (CMSs) and how they function, each suited to a certain set of requirements and expertise. We’ll provide you the information you need to select the ideal content management system (CMS) for creating your online masterpiece. Well, gather your map and toolkit, and together we can make your web design aspirations come to life!

What is a Content Management System?

For most business-oriented companies in today’s advanced technological society, having a good website is not a want, but rather a must. No matter how skilled you are, the act of designing and assembling a website, or even just maintaining it, can be an overwhelming experience for the majority. This is when the Content Management System (CMS) comes to your rescue. Content Management System is a friendly platform that allows its users to create, edit, and publish content on their website without any prior knowledge of coding.

Envision a simple editorial suite that gives the user the option of creating and modifying content on the site without necessarily having to learn any computer programming language. It is an effective control center, which makes it simple for anyone to manage their website, not necessarily a computer expert. Benefits of CMS also include the ability to customize the layout of the site through a graphical interface, inherent SEO tools that help improve the site’s ranking on search engine results, and user administration tools that enable the creation of accounts and permissions for the different users of the site.

Content Management Systems can be broadly divided into three main categories – Traditional, Headless, and hybrid; each catering to specific needs with unique abilities:-

FeaturesTraditional HeadlessHybrid
FocusUser-friendlinessContent management and API deliveryBalance between user-friendliness and headless qualities
Front-endBuilt-in themesSeparate from the back endVisual Interfaces
CustomizationLimitedHigh Customisation Some level of customization
Technical ExpertiseLowerHigherVaries on platform
ScalabilityLess HighVaries on platform

Traditional CMS

Traditional CMS platforms are the intuitive, user-friendly, basic catch-all solutions for any website owner. 43.6% of websites are made using traditional CMS asserting a dominance in the market. These platforms have pre-layouts and allow users to simply drag and drop different elements where they want them, without having to learn scripting language. They contain attractive templates and tools such as image sliders, contact forms, website templates, and search engine optimization tools that assist people who want to create a website. Traditional Content Management Systems, which are the most common today, offer the most basic functionality with simple text posts and basic designs typical for blogs, portfolios, or simple business sites for people who do not know how to code. However, where there are complicated designs, having extensive customization might be slightly difficult, and integrating the designs for higher traffic rates may involve effort. Some of the traditional CMS platforms are:- 


WordPress dominates the CMS market by empowering over 30.46 million rightfully claiming the title of the king of the hill in traditional online web creation legacy. Everyone likes to write and publish content that does not require any technical knowledge; let’s picture a website that looks like a blog platform that we can write on. Simultaneously providing ease of operation, remains one of its central selling points, especially for first-time users and those with a minimal understanding of computers. However WordPress does have some limitations, enhancements might still need certain coding skills when working with more intricate layouts, and optimizing a website for heavily trafficked user access may also take additional work. Here is when professionals such as Videhma Technologies can help, together with the WordPress platform they can provide you with specific stylistic designs and intricate functionality through available plugins to enhance the performance of your website. 


Wix remains the biggest star for newcomers in the field of CMS.It is like assembling a space of Legos, simple to comprehend and perform even if you have no coding background. Wix is currently providing more than 800 professionally designed templates to choose from, which makes creating a new online presence easy. Wix works with 200+ millions of users all over the world and this number expands by 5 million every month! Despite its enormous strengths, Wix does have certain weaknesses. It provides some level of flexibility to the users, but the process of extensive modifications as required for complex websites can be quite challenging. In addition, if you wish to change the host platform and move your website from Wix to another, it may not be easy since Wix uses a closed system.

Wix is your ideal match if you are a beginner who wants to create a simple yet effective platform for your online presence.


Joomla is the CMS platform that comfortably sits in the middle of this spectrum. It grants a wider array of features as opposed to simplistic platforms such as Wix but is easier to use in comparison to complex headless options. Notably, Joomla is an open-source platform that has been widely embraced globally due to its unique features and flexibility. It is free of charge doesn’t require premium accounts and provides thousands of extensions and plugins so users can easily customize the site features to their requirements. Joomla allows better management of users and their permissions, the formation of complex menus, and tuning of layouts to various degrees. Joomla has a steeper slope of learning, compared to the drag-and-drop website builders. But this is not a significant barrier since the platform comes with heaps of documentation and a lively community that addresses every question brought to them.


Magento is a traditional content management system (CMS) developed mainly for online shopping. Beginning as a payment gateway in 2008, the platform has over the years positioned itself as one of the most popular e-Commerce solutions due to its versatility and strong framework. Similar to other old-generation CMSs, Magento connects the front-end and back-end to enable the user to manage his online store efficiently. It also features a great degree of flexibility due to its highly modular system design through which many needs of various businesses can be met. There are many extensions and plugins available for it that add extra functionality to it and can integrate other systems. It is a fairly diverse platform due to its scalability and the capacity to work with extensive catalogue making it suitable for B2B e-commerce companies.


In contrast to most e-commerce engines that need programming skills to develop, Shopify makes a budding entrepreneur’s dream come true. What if you had a single centralized platform where it is easy to configure an online store, offer products, and accept payment for those products, and monitor the sales – all these on one easy-to-use interface? That’s Shopify for you. Using their concept of creating an appealing online store is a walk in the park irrespective of any expertise in the same. Though, Shopify might not work well with the truly customized e-commerce titans, the platform is just as malleable and expansive as your vision. Thus, in case you’ve been thinking on how to create your own online shop and sell items easily, then Shopify is a perfect fit for your business venture.


Squarespace is an easy to use website builder that enables users to develop websites for individual uses or companies without necessarily having to possess advanced coding skills. The options range from the number of templates to pre-designed spaces.


TYPO3 is an open-source CMS system that is more suitable for use in large-scale websites as well as large projects. Established in 1997 and designed for users with high degrees of customization preferences and multilingual compatibility features that are adequate for corporate use and various organization types. 


Webflow is a versatile platform for web design and development, in which the functionality is empowered both by its visual interface and by the using custom code. Its users can implement, create and set up functional and websites without much programming skills.

Headless CMS

A headless CMS is a content management system that optimises content creation and post-consumption from the front-end presentation layer. Unlike traditional CMS platforms that combine both components into a single system, a headless CMS forwards information via APIs (typically RESTful or GraphQL), be it a website, mobile app, or digital platform another of these systems offers great flexibility and scalability while managing a centralised content repository.A prediction states that by 2028, 80% of the digitals will be built by headless CMS. A headless CMS that can use any technology stack for the front is particularly well suited for omnichannel content delivery, providing a user experience that consistently across platforms and devices can work. They are increasingly popular in modern web development due to their ability to simplify content management and increase developer productivity by separating content from presentation logic


ContentStack is a cool CMS that lets you manage your content using an API, so you can easily share it on any device or platform. it’s great for businesses that want to make digital experiences and it can handle a lot of work.


Prismic is a headless CMS that helps developers distribute digital content on different devices and platforms without worrying about its presentation.It is ideal for organisations that want to give their customers the same experience across all their digital channels.


Contentful offers scalable and adaptable content distribution by separating the generation of content from the presentation layer. It enables developers to produce, overlook and distribute digital content across a variety of platforms and devices.


Strapi allows its developers to create, publish and manage API content effectively in comparison to monolithic design. It is perfect for creating adaptable and virtual experiences because of its friendly interface and management capabilities.


Storyblok provides a management system that allows its developers and content producers an editing interface. Users can easily produce and distribute structured information using APIs across many platforms and devices.


With its user-friendly and adaptable interface, Sanity enables developers and content producers to work together on organised content projects with ease.


GraphCMS is a cutting-edge  content management system that focuses on distributing content via GraphQL. It provides developers with a simple to operate, effective solution for creating apps that are rich in content.

Hybrid CMS

Hybrid CMS combines the best features of headless and conventional content management systems to provide a balance between extensive features and ease of use. The hybrid market is growing at a rate of 23.2% annually. These platforms are appropriate for a variety of applications since they offer flexibility in both content management and API delivery.

The versatility of hybrid content management systems (CMS) allows them to address a wide range of requirements, from basic content administration to intricate development specifications. 


Drupal is a very popular and robust Web CMS, used by prestigious organizations like NASA and White House, as it can build highly secure and easily scalable websites. It is a platform that supports a variety of features and heavy traffic, which makes it appropriate for projects with high potentials. Although there are many platforms that can provide more mobility, none of them can match the flexibility of Drupal. It lets the admin design features and even create content management systems. However, it does require mastering of certain complicated buttons, this is where organisations like Vidhema Technologies can fill that void, since it provides professional services to its customers regarding installation and setting up of the maintenance system.

Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)

Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) is an effective hybrid content management device (CMS) that mixes digital asset control, web content material management, and virtual advertising talents in a single platform. It enables groups to create, manage and deliver personalised virtual reports across more than one channel.


Sitecore is a versatile digital platform that empowers businesses to supply customised and relevant content to their audiences. With its advanced personalization and advertising automation capabilities, Sitecore enables entrepreneurs to create seamless, omnichannel reviews that reinforce engagement and conversions.


Kentico is a virtual revel in a platform that offers a huge range of features for building websites, online shops, and intranets. It presents marketers with intuitive tools for content material control, advertising automation, and personalization while simultaneously allowing the ability to extend and customize the platform to satisfy specific necessities. 

CMS vs Custom Build

When it comes to deciding whether to go CMS or get a Custom Built system, getting the right answer is a daunting task especially to anyone undertaking a web development project. This choice has important implications on issues such as costs, performances, versatility and modularity. Issues and controversies related to the debate between CMS and Custom Build are crucial for business entities that wish to hire suitable Web Presence Solutions that will effectively address their organisational goals and limitations.

Custom-Built Solutions encompasses the construction of a new website or application with the client’s needs in mind as the developers create a product with no reliance on external templates or frameworks. This approach commonly involves coding and developing new or specific features with specific functionalities to achieve the preferred aims. Web design, structural layout and all the functional features of a website bear the specific design brief of the company or the customer who hires them.

On the other hand, CMS is defined as the ready to use software applications that can allow users to develop, organise and disseminate their online content without necessarily calling for professional web development services. Various forms of facilities ,for example, basic content editing tools, user management systems, and templates are integrated into CMS platforms to make creation and management of websites easier. Some common examples of CMS platforms include WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and Wix.

One can get a clarity on the famous CMS v/s Custom built debate by considering the following factors:-

  • Efficiency:- There are great benefits when it comes to using CMS platforms for development and this includes efficiency. They have bundled features & utilities that enable developers to quickly create and launch websites with higher functionality than if they would’ve started from scratch. On the other hand, custom design means that one needs to start from scratch which might take a considerable amount of time compared to buying ready-made software applications.
  • Cost- Effectiveness:- Businesses frequently prefer CMS platforms because they are less expensive than hiring developers to build personalised solutions from scratch. The common features include lower installation costs and more flexibility in terms of cost structure where they are available for free or are open source. Moreover, compared to custom-built platforms, CMS platforms require less maintenance cost as 

updates and security patches are provided by the platform owners.

  • Flexibility:- Despite the fact that Custom-built systems give an unparalleled choice of flexibility, CMS has developed into a particularly customisable segment. For instance, developers can design the extra themes, plugins, or extensions unique to the website versatility, using CMS.
  • Scalability:- CMS platforms are designed to make businesses scalable; they have integrated web-hosting options like hosted sites and content delivery networks (CDNs) for website expansion. Custom built, in contrast, may take more time and effort to scale up as a result of application’s specific design.
  • Support:- Building on community support has been made easier through the strong communities associated with CMS platforms. Freeware and open-source CMS platforms have a huge and vibrant community of developers, designers, and users.Meanwhile, custom built lack the extensive community support; this makes troubleshooting more challenging for it.

It is clear that while there are pros and cons of both employing a custom solution and utilising a CMS platform, there are critical issues that have to be taken into account before deciding in favour of one option or the other – the budget available for the development of the project, length of development, technical necessities, and ultimate goals in the utilisation of the site. These factors should be evaluated by any company that seeks to embark on one of the approaches before arriving at the most appropriate choice.

Why should you choose a CMS for your project over a customized solution?

Deciding to use a Content Management System over getting a bespoke solution for your particular project brings several benefits that may be significant in various respects to your company. First of all, CMS platforms are extremely easy to use, and even if the client has little or no technical background, everyone can create, change and modify content of the website by navigating such client’s friendly narrow interfaces and instruments. This accessibility makes it easier for businesses to independently update their websites while avoiding inflating operational expenses on constantly engaging professional web developers.Additionally, most CMS platforms are laden with numerous template designs, themes, and plugins that can be easily adapted and integrated into a website without having to write out a great deal of code or contracts. It also helps achieve first-hand delivery resulting in decreased marketing time, instant reconfiguration for dynamic market requirements and consumer sentiment. Moreover, since most CMS solutions are equipped with proper security measures, you should not worry yourself with issues of website security and protection of information, as these solutions are always updated to meet the IBM standard.Also nowadays, CMS platforms are necessary to scale business growth and include all sorts of new features and functions. 

What to look for before choosing the right CMS for your project?

Selecting the appropriate platform for your work will define the outcomes and ease of the work in the process of web developing significantly. Before making a decision, these key factors should be carefully considered:-

  1. Ease of Use:- Interface design is a critical area which must be user-friendly as a requirement of an effective CMS. Easy navigation, minimal expertise and control are few things to keep in your consideration.
  1. Flexibility and Customization:- Your CMS should make space to accomplish your specific needs allowing features like templates, plugins and extensions to edit the site.
  1. Scalability:- It is important to keep in mind the system’s architecture and layout to support the organisation in the long run. It should be scalable to the extent that it can accommodate future expansion of your web content and the number of customers you wish to cater.
  1. Security: Security is a crucial issue in the modern world where numerous businesses are available online. The CMS should have functional security features such as frequent updates, strong authentication controls, proper data management and strong antivirus against common threats such as XSS and CSRF threats.
  1. Performance and Speed:- Website performance is an essential consideration to user experience and improved search engine results. Monitoring and measuring CMS’s performance using indicators such as page load rates, caching techniques, database tuning, and CDNs to improve performance and capability across devices and platforms.
  1. Development Cost & Time :- While opting for a CMS, looking at the development cost , licensing fee, ongoing expenses and time is a must. Platforms like Shopify and WordPress will provide a cost-effective solution while reducing the development time.

It is widely acknowledged that choosing the perfect CMS is an essential step in building effective websites. Choosing the best platform is a bit like finding the right life partner – it just depends on personal preferences and category. Some of the standard platforms based on web templates are WordPress and Wix; these sites include a simple navigation as well as additional tools that are perfect for those who do not plan to engage in web design professionally and create simple websites. For complex designs and for the intersection with other platforms, there is no better option than headless CMS platforms, such as Contentful for web, but their settings are more complex and require a deeper understanding of programming technologies. However, there are some platforms that are in between traditional CMS and headless solutions, and these are the hybrid CMS which consists of the best of both worlds. Among these baffling options one should not hesitate from professional help,like the one Videhma Technologies provide with.Their expert team guarantees that your web design project is aligned with your objectives and specifics;they are well-versed with WordPress for ease of use, Magento for commercialization, Drupal for expandability. Your ideal CMS depends on your subjective needs and requirements, one should carefully look through and select their best out of the lot, providing organisations a pathway straight to success.

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